About Me

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I AM: wife to 1, mother to 3, sister to 2 and 5 steps, aunt to 27, not-so-much-a-chocoholic-anymore, coffee loving, cloth diapering wanna be (my youngest potty trained herself recently), friend to many.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I don't even know how the word is pronounced, but I delved into the wonderful world of Amigurumi today. The definition is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll. My owl is complete with moving wings. Though I am not sure if they are supposed to move or not. And the other picture, you ask? The one that resembles the poor Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz with body parts scattered here and there? Does the picture look like 3 little mice and one spider are predators to the... yellow rectangle? They are not! Once I do a little more surgery on that fellow, he will impressively be a LION! When I finish him, and it won't be tonight for I am crocheted out for the day, I will prove it with another fashion shot. My daughter kept looking over my shoulder wanting to know how I was making the animals, and she decided to take one of the hooks and crochet 2 lines of a wash cloth today. (because being the mean mommy that I am, I would not teach her to do this today. my patience was running a little thin.) And my 3 year old son claimed the owl. He said, "Are you making my owl?" To which I replied, "No, I am not. I am making MY owl." :) Yesterday I stumbled upon the free patterns from Lion Brand, here, printed out half a dozen, and am so excited to create them all. My favorite, I think, and I know she's going to take a lot of work, is a purple Hippo in a bikini. Hilarious, I think. Makes me smile. The patterns are rated easy. Time consuming, but easy. I think it took me about 5 1/2 hours to do this much, granted, there were about a BAZILLION interruptions.
Moving on, I had a question as I was eating supper tonight. Does half a Fuji apple balance out chocolate chip pancakes for supper? Um, can you guess what my son and I had for our last meal of the day? We did. And we enjoyed every bit of it. Mr. K. went to work, and darling daughter #1 went to a friend's, so it left the 3 yr old, the bambino, and myself. Yes, the bambino nibbled on the pancakes, too. No syrup for her, and I didn't give her apples, either. The children were so sticky and chocolaty they got to indulge in a bubble bath before bed tonight. Ahh. The joys of childhood. Good Night!

1 comment:

  1. Tara....I love your posts! You are such a crazy girl. I am so glad we are related because now I know I'm not alone in this family..LOL

    On another note, you are so talented. I don't think I could crochet worth poo if someone even taught me nor do I have the patience to sit that and do that...now on a different note, I can scrapbook though which I know you sit along time doing that too but its easy for me to cut and paste...Ha ha!

